The Trijet TriPAV is a hermetically sealed high frequency rheometer capable of measuring the linear viscoelasticity (LVE) of inkjet inks, paints, enamels, volatile solvents, functional fluids, polymer solutions, and soft matter fluids such as blood, bio-fluids and protein solutions.
TriPAV is the only rheometer that can measure the complex viscosity of inkjet inks at conditions that mimic those experienced in printhead channel
It has a frequency range from 1 to 10,000 Hz and can carry out the entire frequency sweep in less than 5 minutes. It requires less than 0.1 ml sample to carry out the test.
The high frequency rheology data has been proven crucial for inkjet studies to correlate fluid dynamic properties to jetting behaviour. TriPAV provide useful tool in
- Ink formulation: aid formulation of good inks by being able to identify and tailor subtle changes in the complex rheology from ink components.
- Quality control: by being able to differentiate between apparently identical inks but that show different jetting behaviour, and
- Jetting optimisation: Ability to recommend optimum jetting temperature and print frequency.